Processes of  Photosynthesis

1.  plant breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen

2.  The chorophyll  in the cell of the plants absorb light from the sun

3.  The sun's energy splits the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen

4.  The hydrogen  joins with carbon dioxide to make sugar

5.  The sugar is carrys to other plants of plant

6.  The extra oxygen is released into the air

The Importance of Photosynthesis

1.  If  plants could no turn the sun's energy into food, we would all die

2.  It provide food, useful tools and product

3.  It helps other living thing

4.  The plant also need minerals to grow

5.  The plant takes from the soil where they are dissolved in water

6.  Plant can make their own food


How will it effect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis

1.  There  would be no oxygen to breath

2.  we can't eat plants,fruit and animals

3.  we can't make somehing that need plants to make

4.  many other palnt and animals will die

5.  we can't eat animals and we could not get energy

6.  we can't make clothes